A few months have passed without any art news updates to feed my blog.
Let me see … I have been travelling – Austria, Ireland and Texas, then I had my lovely niece and her fiancée staying last week, and in between, I have submitted 4 grant applications to support my 2 ceramic residencies next year. Argh. Grant applications! Sometimes when completed, they may only amount to a page or less of writing but its always a long drawn out process for me, reading, re-reading, re-writing… Whilst it is painful to write these, I must admit that having to clearly describe a project somehow makes the project more real, more likely to happen (with or without funding). It becomes so deeply etched in your mind that it becomes a part of you. ( Better remember this positive aspect when I embark on the next on!.)
Art news: Today I received an email that one of my works on paper has been selected for the Fishers Ghost Award in Campbelltown, Sydney. I had actually forgotten that I had entered this one, having recently decided not to enter so many art awards due to artwork transport costs. This was, my first time entering The Fishers Ghost Award and I am happy to be accepted. (For some reason this art award managed to slip under my radar all these years)
The work is “Dying Spectator Sport” – a work I had exhibited at last years “Bully” exhibition at Artereal gallery in Sydney.

Other art news is that I sold a few small drawings to an old friend in New Zealand last month. She has recently become vegan. Yippee! – always music to my ears. She took my work to a framing place called Hangar Art and Framing in Whangarei and they also liked my work. They have invited me to exhibit a selection of drawings in their upcoming exhibition called “The Boho Souvenir Show”. This was a lovely surprise and I am especially happy as I finally have an opportunity to exhibit in my home country!
With that in mind its studio time for me, new drawings to be created.
#cruelty #narrative #painting #finalist #Hangarartandframing #artnews #spears #artaward #bullfighting #hotairballoons #terror #redrag #artfineart #NZ #animalhumanrelationships #spectator #spanishflag #veganethics #veganart #dogs #collage #trap #decorativepapers #animals #bulls #culture #softcolours #Artereal #anthropomorphic #cutouts #hound #animalrights #Bulldog #whangerei #wolf #sport #watercolour #grantwriting #torture #beartrap #spain #mixedmedia #horses #vegan #claudejones #ape #matador #CultureandAnimals #exhibition #fishersghost #game #fox #animalillustration #grants #worksonpaper #animalart #drawing